Spirit-led Bodywork

With 25+ years experience of giving clairsentient (clear-feeling), clairaudient (clear-hearing) and claircogniant (clear-knowing) readings, I illuminate and facilitate deep transformation and healing.

Readings are done with a team of helpers from many realms and dimensions, often referred to as spirit guides, who show themselves to help. These include; earth spirits, angelic beings, and ascended masters.

With these guides, I access and articulate the intuitive wisdom your body is telling you, then share the tools that’ll help you in the work to unleash your true, radical power.


Recommended for:

  • Your first reading with me

  • If you’re not clear on the issue you’d like to explore, so we have more time to discover what’s going on


Recommended for:

  • Returning clients

  • Check-ins: where I do a scan of your body and identify any areas that need addressing

  • Specific issues that you want to explore


Please send a text to +44 (0)7527744678 to arrange a suitable date and time for your session.

Once the appointment has been booked please make your payment at least 2 hours prior to your reading, preferably via bank transfer using the details below, or PayPal.

Bank Transfer Details:
Johanna Lingwood
Sort code: 60-12-02
Account: 26677466

Your reading can be done…

By Zoom

Please send me a Zoom link (and passcode if required) prior to our arranged time.

You will need to be the host, so that you can record and save the call.

By Phone/Video Call

Please call me at the arranged time on +44 (0)7527 744678


These will be done at my home in Islington, London.

Address details will be provided once the appointment is confirmed.